The Spieker Who Really Listens!
Tomasine Spieker is a San Angelo native and has always been in tune with the heartbeat of her community. A graduate of Angelo State University, she went on to get her Masters Degree from Southwest Texas.
She married Charles Spieker, another San Angelo native and together they raised two boys here after teaching in Ozona, Texas for 11 years.
Upon moving back home, her next door neighbor told her she knew so many folks and had so many fiends here, she ought to sell Real Estate. A new career was born. For the past 40 years, she has served both her community and her profession, serving on the Board of Directors of the San Angelo Association for 25 years, on every committee and in every office on that board. She is the only active agent who has been honored with the elected title of "Realtor of the Year" 3 times in her career, chosen by her peers.
In these 40 years, she has served her community, both listing and selling houses and finding homes for literally hundreds of families through the Concho Valley. Tomasine is motivated and dedicated to the vision of professional service with pride and and dignity as she strives first to help others with persistence and patience. Tomasine's attitude is a reflection of her professionalism.